Disclaimer: – As earthquake prediction is still in its infancy, the accuracy of information provided on this web-site cannot be guaranteed by the author, the web-site owner or the hosting organization, neither is any liability accepted by these persons or organizations for any incident or accident resulting out of actions taken by persons as a result of information posted herein.
Copyright of all items in this Earthtremors.org web-site is with the author.


This website has been set up in order to inform the public of predicted events in various regions of the world. it follows the methods used in www.earthtremors.com which has been running since year 2005 and has been developing its content steadily. However the format of that website was based on software available at the start of that period and is apparently not suitable for the modern viewer.

It is hoped that the use of more popular platform will enhance the viewers’ appreciation of the site and encourage dissemination of the information contained herein.

The author Michael Chapman is a civil engineer with background in hydrological and statistical analysis for flood prediction (amongst others), so is familiar with straightforward correlation techniques used for these predictions. The author has also written a couple of books a few years ago and has numerous patents to his name for unusual inventions, none of which have ever been produced on a commercial scale.In particular, the vortex lift helicopter is one of his favorites along with the side hung railway, the self propelled roll-about, the rotating wing aircraft, the magnetic flow restrictor, the transverse flow turbine, the dynamic sedimentation system, asymmetric flow meter, etc plus the inertia driven vehicle which was unfortunately not given a patent as it apparently defied Newton’s laws of motion – this is disputed by the author as he has tested it and found it to work!

It has been stated on many occasions by many learned persons that earthquake prediction is not possible, but as my father used to say “there are none so blind as those who can’t see!” or as my teacher would say “if at first you don’t succeed, suck eggs!”

I was also thinking that people might not understand that I have not yet tried to forecast events in the central pacific (Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Solomons, PNG,  Kermadec, – so there is a gap there. This could easily be done – but it takes time.

Disclaimer: – As earthquake prediction is still in its infancy, the accuracy of information provided on this web-site cannot be guaranteed by the author, the web-site owner or the hosting organization, neither is any liability accepted by these persons or organizations for any incident or accident resulting out of actions taken by persons as a result of information posted herein.
Copyright of all items in this Earthtremors.org web-site is with the author.